Okay, not Pokemon, but still anime.
the basic Totoro pattern can be found here
Via Flickr:
I made these with free patterns and added my own touches
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Crochet Totoro
Paper Pokemon
Via Flickr:
This is a picture of pokemon. Pokemon is a character popular in Japanese books, cartoon and movies.. I made these with my mom when I was young.
ANA B747 JA8957 Pikachu Jumbo Leaving Haneda Airport
WOW, giant Pikachu on the tail!
pokemon airplane, from Japan
Sawsbuck (Fall) MPC
Via Flickr:
Company: Banpresto
Set: My Pokemon Collection
Year: 2011
Size: 11cm
Made in: Japan
Have any info we left out? Let us know at pokeplushproject(at)yahoo(dot)com!
Amoonguss MPC
Via Flickr:
Company: Banpresto
Set: My Pokemon Collection
Year: 2011
Size: 11cm
Made in: Japan
Have any info we left out? Let us know at pokeplushproject(at)yahoo(dot)com!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Herman Cain & The Pokemon Connection
Today when he put his campaign for presidency on hold he said--
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/69700.html#ixzz1fVYdJa2M
But he's also said it before and I love how it's attributed to "a poet" -- See below...
"A poet once said, 'Life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line."
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jigglypuff in Narita, Chiba 19 (Narita-san Shinshoji Temple)
Via Flickr:
Reproduced from "Kirby's Town"
Breloom in Fuji, Shizuoka 6 (Fuji yonenomiya Park)
Mt. Fuji & Pokemon...
Photo from Japan
Via Flickr:
Reproduced from "Kirby's Town"
Saturday, October 8, 2011
"Dawn" Pokemon Trainer Costume DIY
Homemade Pokemon Trainer costume for Halloween! DAWN! SO cute!!
Love the hat!
Via Flickr:
dressed up as Dawn from Pokemon for Halloween.
Pokecrawl Team Snorlax
Snorlax Costume with video game sign.
Via Flickr:
A member of Team Snorlax on the pre-PAX pokecrawl.
Scoliopede from pokemon white/black
Another idea for a Pokemon Halloween Costume
comic con
cosplaycomic con 2011comic con 2011 cosplaysan diego comic consan diegoportrait sandiegocomiccon2011 comiccostumescostume ideashalloween costumeshalloween costume ideascomic con costumescomic con costumes 2011scoliopedepokemonpokemon white blackcostumeportraitcostume idea
Pokemon Cupcakes...
Via Flickr:
My niece turns 7 tomorrow. Pokemon is all the rage among this age group. I know cause my almost 7 year-old is obsessed with collecting the cards. He doesn't know how to play yet, at this age, it's all about the quantity you have and the special X cards which I understand are extremely rare. I pilfered some of his cards to find some designs for these cupcakes for my niece's birthday.
pokemon_ds sleeve pokeball
Via Flickr:
Bought this DS sleeve on Etsy! A pokemon sleeve for my pokemon DS.
DIY Pokemon box Handpainted for Pokemon cards
Cool do-it-yourself Pokemon!
Via Flickr:
Roo has taken up the hobby of collecting & trading Pokemon cards. She asked me for something to store them in - I found a plain, small box, and painted it Pokemon for her. I like doing this kind of stuff, it makes me feel useful. :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Pokemon Halloween Costume: Ash for Kids
Order all your child's POKEMON costume through Amazon.com
Original Cosplay Outfit made from Pokemon cards
WOW! DIY Pokemon Card dress costume.
Great idea for Halloween (though you better start making it now!)
Via Flickr:
Original character cosplay: costume is made of Pokemon cards (thanks, boobearbeth!)
Pokemon Trainer Halloween Costume DIY
Red shirt, DIY belt, pokeball. Check!
Good costume for a boy or girl.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Pokemon Halloween Costumes for Kids
Now if you want to make your costumes, this will give you some ideas and some help. You can buy the hats (which are cheaper than the costumes) and go from there. Or if you're non-creative or busy like me and would rather just pay full price and be done with it (and your time becomes yours again).
These are all from Amazon.com, which is my favorite place to shop for such things...
Big List of Easy to Buy Pokemon Costumes for Halloween:
ASH KETCHUM Pokemon Trainer Costume:
Ash Ketchem Hat:
TREEKO Costume:
Turtwig costume Hat:
Piplup Hat (Piplup Costume Hat) - My fav!
Mudkip Costume (Pokemon):
Rayquaza Pokemon hat:
Pokemon Sweatbands (wrist bands for pokemon trainer outfit):
Mudkip Hat:
Pokemon Marril Hat (for Merrill, Meril, Merril costume):
Torchic costume (Torchick costume Pokemon)
Skitty Hat:
Marill Costume for Halloween:
Now this is for the person (ADULT!) who loves Pokemon-- The BIG Pikachu Mascot Costume (about $365!) If you go to Pokemon, Anime, conferences, you can really be part of the show! I think this would be fun just to wear down the street!